I came across a question when I was scrolling down my Facebook feed, and since then, I told myself that I should answer that question with this Medium story. The question was “how we could establish a successful brand?”.

Before I answer this question, we should first understand…

What is a brand?

When I try to explain the meaning of the brand, I personally prefer to answer it in this way.

A brand is a simple mix of multiple elements that are combined together to convey a certain feeling for a specific type of humans who resonate with the purpose of its existence.

What are the brand elements?

As I mentioned before, those elements are combined to convey a certain feeling and contribute to a brand’s identity and recognition. Every element plays a specific role in creating a distinctive and memorable impression.

Now let me introduce them to you:

  1. The Brand Name

Like every human you’ve met before, everyone has a name that separates them from other humans. Brands also do the same; the brand name helps you recognize them faster and differentiate them in the market where they already exist.

  1. The Brand Personality

Brand personality refers to the human-like characteristics and traits that a brand is associated with; it helps shape the emotional connection between the brand and its audience. Brand personality can vary among numerous like-human personalities. In fact, there are brands with innovative personalities like Apple, rebellion personalities can be found in brands like Harley-Davidson, and there are endless examples to talk about.

  1. The Brand Visual Identity

To be honest, this element is well known among all people who work in the branding and marketing industries, and there is a big misconception between the concept of a brand and the brand visual identity. The brand’s visual identity can be referred to as the style of your friend; it’s a unique visual representation of what your friend believes, thinks, does, and aspires to do in the future. This brand element has an important job in brand recognition, so it should be a well-crafted system that aids the most important objective of any brand. Easy to memorize.

  1. The Brand Strategy

It is a comprehensive plan and framework that a company or organization develops to develop and manage its brand. It outlines how the brand will be positioned in the market, how it will differentiate itself from competitors, and how it will connect with its target audience. Brands build a brand strategy for several important reasons like: Clarity and Direction, Consistency, & Relevance.

  1. The Brand Story

A brand story is a narrative that communicates the history, mission, values, and identity of a brand. It serves as a powerful tool for creating an emotional connection with customers.

Why do you always associate brands with humans?

Deep down in your miraculous mind, many years ago when brands didn’t exist yet. Human minds were built to process all incoming information from the surroundings, and humans back then could communicate with each other so that the mind began to subconsciously process the data that was received from the person in front of them. You can notice that you spend almost zero effort to understand if the person you are talking to is angry or happy. During the mid-20th century, branding has witnessed a significant transformation and evolution. This transformation has been driven by the fact that most people are instinctively professional in communicating with each other. So brands began to act like humans so that they can be as much relevant as they could to their audience.

How you can draw success to your brand?

#1. Understand your audience’s pains

To make this happen, you should study your audience’s problems, needs, and frustrations. Get to know them on a personal level; if it takes you to sit with them and drink a cup of coffee in their favorite place, do it. After you create a comprehensive understanding of what your audience’s frustrations are, design the solution to their problem and start promoting it.

#2. Master the art of telling stories

Do you still remember the part where I said, “people are instinctively professional in communicating with each other”? Stories are one of the best ways to communicate whatever you want. Like take a look at this story; I wrote it in a way that makes you feel like you are reading a story, and I think you didn’t feel lost or overwhelmed by the new information that you learned today. Stories capture attention because our minds were programmed — yes, literally — to listen when our parents started narrating them to us. Also, stories build trust with your audience, and as a result, you will be able to convert leads into loyal customers (well, it depends on your customer experience).

#3. Experience Comes First

Think about every detail from the moment a person meets your brand to the moment they pay for your product or service. Make those details serve your brand to create positive thoughts on a subconscious level. People will start talking about your brand to their family members, friends, and even strangers. Audience experience is one of the most underrated factors that few people talk about. Try to remember the last time you bought something on Amazon, for example; that is exactly what I’m talking about.

#4. Provide value as much as you can

When your brand starts to offer benefits, assistance, or something advantageous to people, you put them in a situation where they feel they are owed something by your brand; they will try their best to return the favor to your brand. This returned favor can be a purchase of one of your services or a recommendation. Don’t underestimate the power of value.

#5. Be Authentic, the market is already overwhelmed

Authenticity is about being genuine, transparent, and true to your brand’s values and mission. It means not only making promises but consistently delivering on them. The overwhelming nature of the market makes it challenging for consumers to trust and connect with every brand they encounter. However, authenticity has the power to cut through the noise and establish a meaningful and lasting connection with your audience.

#6. Show up every day

Showing up every day holds significant importance. It signifies the daily commitment and consistency in how a brand presents itself to its audience. Consistency in brand presence is a foundation of success; this consistent and reliable appearance helps build trust and credibility. In a world overflowing with brands competing with each other for your attention, showing up every day ensures that your brand remains top of mind with your target audience. It’s a way of saying, “We’re here for you, and we’re dedicated to serving your needs.

After explaining what is a brand, and what are the elements that the brand should have with defining the keys of success of brands that they already exist, now you can use this knowledge to level up your brand and win in the market that your brand lives in.

Thank you

for giving me your time to let me explain to you what you was searching for. Until next time we meet be safe.


My name is Jose Ahmad. Strategic brand Identity designer with a mission to help businesses turn into brands by creating emotions that can be transferred to their audience.

  • Humble_Break2755@alien.topOPB
    11 months ago

    I’m sorry to hear this,
    Can you help me to understand why you felt disappointed when you read the post?