Hello everyone I want to ask a quick simple question. It’s about what trade or profession I should consider when planning for a future in Africa. Ok I’m 29 years old about to turn 30 years old next year. So far the only thing I’ve accomplished is getting a Bachelor Degree from a University in the Big Ten Conference. I graduated with honors with a degree in Sociology. However I’m looking to pursue something totally different. My first options are to get an apprenticeship in a trade. The 2 trades that I know I can do is Carpentry as #1 and Electrician as #2. I have experience in Carpentry but also think I can do Electrical work as well. I’m going to go with the one that I can get into and excel here in America. I do feel that both can be profitable in Africa but I only want to focus on one right now. The backup option I have is using my degree in something which I don’t have a plan for which is why I’m here at Reddit. I could look into non traditional mental health solutions when talking about treatment but I want to bring awareness to it anyways, I’m not sure. Those are the only things that I think about mostly. Other than that I may think about the Federal Government with Airport, Seaports, and Ground Transportation. I’m trying to generate ideas that I should consider when talking about taking a business to the African continent. I love Africa as I am descendant and feel that’s where I belong. It has so many benefits for someone like me from the food, weather, spiritual practices, entertainment, women, etc. Also I want to ask what states in America particularly the Midwest I should consider when gaining these skills. The only three states I’m considering is Nebraska, Illinois, and Minnesota. Someone who may know the business of Africa please let me know what would work out for me and what I should and shouldn’t consider. Sorry for the long message, thanks.

  • kulukster@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    International Relations, Business degree, Public Health are possibilities, esp as a foreigner/American. If you only focus on trades there will always be Africans there who will have a better hold on that than you.