Hey guys

I was wondering what headless CMS y’all recommend for clients to manage their own data

Ideally it should be able to:

  • let the client login and manage its data easily, if needed
  • but also allow admins like me to create new Post types with custom fields (that my clients can populate or manage then)

A cool combo I know about is to use Wordpress + Crocoblocks JetEngine

But Wordpress as headless CMS requires plenty of setup and I wonder if there’s something easier nowadays

Thank you

  • matfrana@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    If you have React skills, I would suggest React Bricks.
    It is a headless, but based on the concept of blocks, which are implemented as React components, so it’s like Gutenberg, done well.

    Disclaimer: I am the CTO - which means I am also available to show you how it works, if you like :) Let me know what you think about it.

  • caisy_io@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    Hi there, obviously we’re a bit biased but caisy seems perfect for your use case and needs. The UI is easy to manage, you can set up multiple projects and structure them into groups and organizations. By inviting new useres and assigning them roles, you can grant your clients the access they need without confusion. Feel free to check it out and start with a free plan 😊

  • RealBass@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    I was looking for a CMS recently for my blog - with key requirements being:

    - to be free (or come with a generous free plan)
    - to offer the best possible editor AND developer experience

    I’m using Nuxt.js / static site.

    I ended up with Storyblok CMS. I’ve been running it for a month now and I’m very happy with it… Obviously there are many variables to consider but for what I need, with me being the only Admin of the CMS, and not a lot of traffic coming to my blog, it’s really cool.