So im an estimator for a landscaping company and made some calculators to help me give out more accurate and quicker estimates. After seeing a lot of landscaping youtube shorts i saw there might be a market for my calculators so i quickly made a template site and im in the process of transferring my calculators over. Any feedback would be wonderful especially for web design
You’re better off to make them free and monetize with ads or affiliate links instead. Without searching Google I’m just going to assume there are already free similar calculators out there.
Ads and affiliate links for calculators have a high return.
that’s pretty useful.
it’s smart to share tools that help your work with others. i’ll take a look at your site, focus on how easy it is to use and navigate.
curious, how are other landscapers reacting to it? any web design pros here got some tips?
Ive been planning on posting on a few landscaping subs but idk if its ready yet i want to get a few more calculators transferred over first