I have insanely ambitious dreams. I have a business that everyone connection i have ever made has been hyping up. The business has been delayed quite a bit due to my laziness. I also have been wanting to learn how to produce music (i make up songs on piano everyday) on music software but have also been just unmotivated. Life sucks and I always want to keep pushing. I want to do ridiculously hard things to help. At one point boxing really helped me stay motivated in life but I later got injured. I once even tried to get a therapist scheduled and only ended up getting one session done. There was a point at when I played tennis i would have this insane drive to get up after school each day and practice. during that time, I always felt like i was on edge with an insane unstoppable drive and now I have lost it. Now I find it hard to do daily activities and I still haven’t given up. I am currently trying to read atomic habits at the moment. I would also like to mention that a couple weeks ago my friend asked me to start a t-shirt business with him. I helped him an insane amount. just out of the blue i manage to spend 6-7 hours right after school to work on the company (I would get home at 10pm dude). I feel like I had accountability and that helped a lot. But now I have just lost motivation. Someone please help me.
Help yourself. Nobody can make you care enough to try except you.
Not everyone is an entrepreneur. Some people just have good ideas but need a regular job because they lack the motivation 🤷
I have more care then most people dudde