I’ve been hearing a lot about “passive income” lately – the dream of earning money without lifting a finger. While the idea sounds enticing, I think it’s important to demystify this concept.
In reality, what many label as “passive” income usually requires significant upfront effort, continuous oversight, and regular adjustments. Whether it’s writing a book, setting up an online course, or investing in stocks, none of these avenues guarantee income without some level of involvement.
It’s easy to get enticed by online gurus painting a picture of lounging on beaches while checks roll in. But behind every “passive” success story, there’s a tale of hard work, persistence, and constant learning.
Does this mean passive income ventures are not worth pursuing? Absolutely not. But let’s approach them with realistic expectations and the understanding that no reward comes without effort.
What are your thoughts and experiences on this? Would love to hear from the community!
The easiest way to create a passive income stream is to invest in the total market. It’s 0 effort outside of what you’re already doing.
Every other (non-scam) method is fairly risky and requires a lot of work.