Hi, I’m hoping to get feedback on why I’m not getting any sales for my new product. I got a really good response when I took it to events, but now that I’m trying to sell, it - nothing. 😥 Click through rates are 6-7% for FB ads and 1-2% for Instagram and TikTok. I’m using Shopify. Any suggestions? Is it just the product, or is there a way to salvage this?Website is www.kittyscapes.com. Thank you!

  • isthatayeti@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Yeah my first thought about this is OP has designed a product to solve a problem that doesn’t feel like a real problem. Trying to create a need for a product that is niche and doesn’t add clear value is going to be incredibly hard.

    Look at your fundamental idea here and figure out

    1. Who is it for? As a non cat owner I can’t imagine that this product adds any value to anyone . Not saying it doesn’t just saying I wouldn’t even mention the product to someone with a cat.
    2. How many people will really use this? Sometimes you are the only product on the market because you found something great like a unicorn. Most of the time you are creating a product for a problem that nobody needs to solve. Like nasa creating the pen that writes in space , when you have a pencil that already works.
    3. How is it better than what’s currently available? I mean most people running videos for their pets just put them on when they aren’t at home . I haven’t seen many people running videos on the tv etc if they are around. Again I just don’t see what problem you’re solving
    4. What will this do for me ? What I see right now is I have to buy a tablet holder and a tablet for my cat to watch, why do I need to invest a couple hundred dollars so my cat can have screen time? You need to sell this as a real value proposition