I am male(27) from Slovakia. Finished my masters degeee at 23, 4 years working as IT automation testing engineer. Hobby is music, producing. I have always been that fierce force that was trying to find a way to get my success but here I am failing. I just cannot find a niche which would stand test of time. I was wondering if producing would be a good idea but I can imagine making more money in other businesses. I can get around 500€ per client in producing but it can take 2 - 4 weeks of work alongside my fulltime job which is not meeting my criteria. What is your advice? Pick up a skill and try to build a business around that? Here in slovakia atleast locally it is oversaturated with producers + I am working with non popular genres.
Thank you
Suddenly reminded me of that cool article I read the other day. It’s https://www.cuppa.so/post/how-to-find-your-business-niche-what-should-you-focus-on