I’m currently a 30yo software engineer making around 200k in Switzerland with 7 years of experience.

While I make good money I’m so tired of the promotions play and making money for someone else that I want to start my own business.

I have plenty of ideas that I started but never finished because I’m missing knowledge such as law, or how to execute them. How did you start your business and how did you find your partners in crime to make that nice startup.

  • mikejackowski@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    There are places where you can start, such as YCombinator. Or you can turn to paid options such as paid startup dev studios. Self-plug alert: I run one and we’re called Asper Brothers. You can also learn all the ropes the hard way just for fun. That’s also great. Just ensure you’re solving someone’s problem actually and that there’s enough people willing to pay you for solving this problem. Coming up with ideas just to build something is a very risky path.