I’m an 18-year-old guy from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, taking a gap year with a dream of working with luxury cars and hopefully becoming a multi-millionaire by 25. I’ve got $1000 saved up, and I’m eager to dive into the world of high-end automobiles. Winter here is brutal, but so are my ambitions!
I’ve considered starting with car detailing and eventually moving into car wrapping, but after checking out the local competition, I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed. There are 5-10 established car wrapping businesses with experienced staff and sleek setups. I don’t have their level of expertise or experience, and it’s intimidating. To counter that,my goal is to find a unique angle or service that sets me apart from the competition and allows me to work with luxury cars. I’ve even thought about getting into car repair, but I lack the license or qualifications (though I’m confident I can learn).
So, dear Redditors, I’m reaching out for advice and creative ideas. How can I make my mark in this industry with a limited budget? What can I do differently to attract potential customers, especially when competing with established businesses?
I’m open to any suggestions or success stories from those who’ve faced similar challenges. Maybe you know of some untapped niche or have insights on how I can leverage my limited resources effectively.
Help me figure out a way to get up close and personal with a Rolls Royce – I’m determined to make it happen! I will get into the car detailing and figure out the car wrapping problem later but I also want opionions and other alternative ideas from guys here, anything else I can do to get close high end cars immediately, is there even anything other than cleaning them or chauffeuring them? Did i miss an idea or an option