Hey fellow entrepreneurs!

This week I launched my new app to the Apple App Store - Orderly. Orderly is the first app whose sole purpose is to help consumers take back control of their online orders and returns, and you can download it from the App Store today!

Orderly puts all of your orders and returns on one screen - every retailer, every brand. As soon as your order is en route Orderly begins tracking the package, and once your order has arrived Orderly presents a clear guide on how to make a return (due date, cost, step by step instructions, and more). If for any reason that return slips your mind, Orderly has you covered. We’ll send you a notification when your return deadline is getting close and you’re in danger of losing out on your refund.

On top of that, you also get:

  • One-click links to start a return
  • Easy buttons to contact the retailer’s customer care team
  • A glossary of all the items you ordered with quick-browse images
  • New features that roll out every week!

If that sounds like something that might be helpful download Orderly today, and definitely let me know any and all feedback (product, idea itself, etc.)