I recently built slangthesaurus.com, a thesaurus… for slang. It’s not perfect by any means, but it’s a very cool demo of what is possible with some basic machine learning. The thing is, it could be much better, and I have some other things I’m working on right now.

There are several things I can focus on to improve this: making the synonyms better (they could be much much better, but I already overengineered this lol), improve the ui, make it more mobile responsive, and make it faster. I’ve also not submitted any pages to be indexed (technically any word/phrase in the English language could be a page.) Finally, there is marketing: I’ve done basically no marketing, and most of my visitors are through search (about 70 a day).

What should I focus on? My bandwidth is limited, so what should be my priority going forward? Learning as I go!