
What problem we are solving:
Discover your perfect co-founder effortlessly with Developerscope! Our revolutionary platform, Founderspace, eliminates the hassle by using real-time communication tools. Connect with potential co-founders through video chats, similar to Omegle’s random generating chat. Say goodbye to tedious profile matching – let Developerscope streamline your search for the ideal match!

Our key market:
Individual wanting to join or launch a startup, whether they are studying or skilled developers, business associates, & marketers.


Our N.D.A system
Fearful of idea theft? No worries! Our embedded N.D.A. system ensures startup safety. Every team member must accept an N.D.A. agreement upon joining.
Managing team with ease
Effortlessly handle your tasks with our task management tool, ensuring your team stays informed about everyone’s assignments.
Our reviewboard system
Our comprehensive review board system meticulously assesses each and every member on the team, providing a thorough and insightful evaluation of individual contributions and performance.
Crowdfunding for your startup
As you and your team work on developing your startup, you have the opportunity to leverage crowdfunding to secure additional funding.

Current stage:
We’re on the lookout for our first set of customers.
Would love to get your thoughts!😊