I posted something yesterday talking about how I hit $25k MRR.

Then I got dozens of DMs. Some from people who genuinely wanted advice.

But some others are depressed that they’re not rich. “How can I hit $25k MRR? I hate my life rn!”

Can we please take a chill pill and stop watching hustle porn?! I failed countless businesses. I cried so many nights cause I convinced myself I was a failure.

I have friends who are worth $10M+ by age 21. I have friends who are worth $10M+ by age 31. And I have friends who are worthless.

It’s fucking different for everyone. No need to be depressed or angry at yourself. Just keep learning and growing. I made some of my best friends in the process of building (and failing) my businesses.

Do people not build businesses for fun anymore? Do we have to immediately flex on Instagram in order to be validated?

/end rant

  • JayConne@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    From 60 years of working in the computer industry with a strong interest in practical, objective philosophy, I’ve seen many examples of this phenomenon.

    Look at the extreme examples for insight and inspiration. Bill Gates read biographies of highly successful people. Steve Jobs learned principles of building in quality even where no one can see it. Elon Musk has grand, long range visions and tremendous depth of understanding of physics and business, plus an almost inhuman work ethic.

    Success is possible and failures are just learning steps along the way. Read biographies of these people as well as the unjustly labeled “Rubber Barons” of the late 19th century who gave us so much.

    • RussellFighter@alien.topOPB
      10 months ago

      Wow. 60 years in computing?! Dude you must’ve seen some amazing inventions!

      Biographies are fantastic. I would not classify them as hustle porn at all. Most biographies talk about failures more than the “hustle porn” of today