I posted something yesterday talking about how I hit $25k MRR.

Then I got dozens of DMs. Some from people who genuinely wanted advice.

But some others are depressed that they’re not rich. “How can I hit $25k MRR? I hate my life rn!”

Can we please take a chill pill and stop watching hustle porn?! I failed countless businesses. I cried so many nights cause I convinced myself I was a failure.

I have friends who are worth $10M+ by age 21. I have friends who are worth $10M+ by age 31. And I have friends who are worthless.

It’s fucking different for everyone. No need to be depressed or angry at yourself. Just keep learning and growing. I made some of my best friends in the process of building (and failing) my businesses.

Do people not build businesses for fun anymore? Do we have to immediately flex on Instagram in order to be validated?

/end rant

  • bozzy1982@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    My job puts me in a position to be around a lot of very successful entrepreneurs, one thing I’ve noticed is the really successful ones never focus on being rich or the money. They’re focused/obsessed with the business or the deal and the money is a by product. Most people who subscribe to hustle porn are only focused on money and being rich. They really have no clue how to get rich but they want it so bad it drives them crazy. I used to be this way and at some point I really started paying attention to how these people I wanted to be like acted, guess what? I’m headed in that direction, I now have opportunities, I get invited to sit at the table with them.

    One thing I also want to add is stop trying to hustle everyone, share your success and I promise more opportunities will come your way. Most amateurs only focus on what’s in front of them right now and miss the big picture.

    • amemingfullife@alien.topB
      10 months ago

      I’d like to add that it’s often more about ownership and control than it is about money. I know people who could be earning 8 figures TC working for other people but earn 7 figures instead just because they want control over their lives and not to have to answer to people they don’t respect all the time.

      • bozzy1982@alien.topB
        10 months ago

        Valid point, I know several guy as well that work harder and make less than they could working for someone. Those are rare in my industry though.

    • Swansaknight@alien.topB
      10 months ago

      Yes! No one cares (especially your self) if you closed a big contract 6 months ago and are making 200k from it. It’s about the next project, the next piece of equipment. The next whatever.

    • BlankCrystal@alien.topB
      10 months ago

      Hey man, great message, I can’t agree more.

      Honestly my issue is that I don’t know what to do 😅

      Where and how do you meet people? what do you do? I try to continuously be learning and doing projects and things, learning and gaining skills, but it feels like I am in a vacuum. I just moved, know no one, I’m in a pretty good area, but outside of studying and projects, I’m stuck.

      Any advice or guidance would be incredibly appreciated