Hey /r/SideProject. I’ve been hacking on a new data visualization tool and I want your feedback.

I’ve struggled to find data visualization tools that 1) can handle datasets with 100k rows 2) feel fast and responsive 3) don’t require Python or SQL. So I tried to build one.

I’m calling it Matrices–it’s a ‘swiss army knife’ for sharing and visualizing data. Matrices gives you a fast way to quickly slice and dice large datasets (100k+ rows) without using code or SQL. Then share nice looking graphs from that analysis (like the one below).

Want to explore for yourself? https://matrices.com/share/graph/f6b34cf1-77e9-4420-a985-d80e0fcc2675

It’s free to use. There’s no login. All data is saved locally in your browser until you publish it (though a small sample of ~10 rows goes to OpenAI APIs for some AI-assistance). Copy and paste from excel or google sheets, and publish via a link.

Filter 50k rows in seconds to find just the data you need.

To get started, try checking out a few starter datasets (or upload your own, it’s better with data you care about).

If you’re curious to learn more about it, you can find a lengthier description here.

Try it out and let me know what you think, I appreciate the feedback! (desktop only for the moment!)