Recently, I came across Alex Lieberman’s journey with Morning Brew, which he sold for an impressive $75 million, he was talking about building multiple business and one of the ideas he told was about building workflow automation services

In my current role, I’ve been deeply involved in developing products and workflows that have significantly boosted productivity within our organization. This experience leads me to believe that there’s a real need for these services in both startups and larger organizations.

However, when I started exploring the market and connecting with potential clients, my observations were mixed. While there was some interest, and people were keen to hear about what I could offer, the follow-up was lukewarm. I tried sharing educational content to engage them further, but the response was minimal.

This makes me wonder, is the market truly ready for specialized workflow automation services? And if so, what might be the most effective channels to connect with those who could benefit from them? I’m curious to hear your thoughts and experiences on this.

Is now the right time to venture into this field, and how can one effectively reach the audience that needs these services the most?

Thanks in advance for your insights!