The title may sound sad, but what I’m asking is this:

Suppose you have an idea that you’ve developed and published, but it fails to gain traction. You then make minor adjustments, such as changes in marketing strategies or slight modifications to features. At what point would you consider the product to be a failure?

What would be the threshold—in terms of time, money, or other factors—beyond which you would decide that it no longer makes sense to continue?

  • launchtip@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    How much you genuinely believe in a project usually determines the outcome. Then external factors like what is driving you or why you are walking said path. For most, it’s wanting to see Stripe notifications on your home screen so when these fail to materialise, so does your enthusiasm. Remember, many start but few succeed.

    Find something you want to build and a solid reason as to why other than generating revenue. It’s a cliche but usually doing that produces revenue as a by-product.