Ever thought about a custom ChatGPT made exclusively for your business?

An “assistant” trained on your company’s knowledge to boost productivity several times?

Well, 2 weeks ago OpenAI announced they could make you one for a couple of million.

~2 months before that, they launched ChatGPT Enterprise which is capable of achieving a similar goal if you have someone technical to work with the API. It starts at $100k/year.

The whole shtick behind these huge prices is data security.

Most businesses don’t want their sensitive data to end up on OpenAI servers that are notorious for data breaches. (75% of businesses have already banned/are thinking of banning ChatGPT according to a Blueberry study).

The tech itself is not that expensive since there are free tools like PDF.ai. It’s cybersecurity that makes companies pay impressive premiums.

But what if there was an alternative solution?

As you may already know (esp. after this weekend), Microsoft is heavily involved in OpenAI. Better yet, they have cloned all of the models inside their Azure cloud.

The difference is that Azure is secure by default. They are both SOC2 and ISO27001 compliant and your data always stays yours.

That means you can grab Azure’s clone GPT4 API and “train” it on your data to get the same enterprise-grade assistant for a fraction of the cost.

That’s exactly what I’ve been doing for the last couple of months and can say that an average custom knowledge base assistant would run you less than 1k/month in Azure infrastructure costs.

P.S. I have some space left on my tenant so would happily spin up a free demo for your biz if you want to try this.