Hello everyone,
I’m an entrepreneur currently in the midst of a crucial research phase for my project. I’m seeking advice on how to quickly source interviews with individuals who have experience in facial aesthetics, specifically those who have undergone facial plastic surgery. I need to conduct 9 more interviews within the next 8 days.Here are some key points about my situation:
- The interviews are part of a customer discovery process.
- I cannot disclose details about my business during these interviews, as it might bias the responses.
- Unfortunately, I’m unable to offer financial compensation to the interviewees.Each interview will be conducted via video call and is expected to last about 30 minutes.
- I’m looking for strategies or platforms that could help me connect with potential interviewees efficiently.
The guidelines above must be followed because I’m part of an entrepreneurial cohort that has these requirements. If you have experience in conducting such interviews, especially under tight deadlines, your insights would be incredibly valuable.
Also, if you know of any groups, forums, or networks where I could reach out to potential interviewees, please let me know.
Thank you in advance for your help and suggestions!

  • mattg360@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    This is a great question because it is a real problem. However your constraints make it sound like an academic exercise as opposed to business problem. Especially this…Unfortunately, I’m unable to offer financial compensation to the interviewees. Each interview will be conducted via video call and is expected to last about 30 minutes.

    I presume this is to ensure you are finding people with sufficient level of problem acknowledgment that they want to talk to you or it is code for you can’t afford it (no offense intended).

    If you are able to spend money (not on compensation) you could try something like AYTM https://aytm.com/ and structure your survey to try and connect via email and go from there. If not this then you can literally pay people to find the sources for. Here in Australia it is about $150 per head, generally that is combined with $100 gift card. As you have stated the compensation bit is off the table.

    If none of that is useful I think u/LongIslandIceTeas has some good ideas,

    • DeliberatelyMisled@alien.topB
      10 months ago

      Sign up for Apollo.io and research people by job role, company etc. whatever you need. Set up a sequence with daily emails and try to add as many people as you can (100+ for sure) to the sequence. Compensation would make this easy. Without compensation, your could try to position it as exclusive - “invitation to expert panel” or tell them the research can help solve the #1 pain point they have in their role (research online what that might be). Use chat GPT for high performing subjects lines and try many variants. Keep emails very short and provide a link to set up the call (for example Calendly) right away.