Hi guys,

I’m in a bit of a dilemma and could use some wisdom from this community. I’ve been trying hard to better myself as a “leader” in my small company - staying calm, being more approachable, criticize constructively - you know the routine.

But, as I’m navigating my second business attempt (started about 4 months ago), I’m hitting a wall. No big clients yet, and what’s really testing my patience are the negative attitudes of my two employees (that’s all the team as of now). It’s been a tough year and a half, and I sometimes wonder if I should keep pushing or just dismiss the team and be a freelancer/ take a job. Because it feels like I’m changing myself too much for the sake of keeping cool with the team.

But here’s the thing: I love what I do. I’m providing GPT-like solutions for sales and customer support, and it’s genuinely exciting stuff. My tech skills are solid, but sales is not my strength, and employee attitudes aren’t helping. Sometimes I wonder if it’s me - am I expecting too much, or maybe micromanaging?

What do you guys think? Any advice, experience or thoughts on handling these challenges, especially with employees, would be really helpful right now.