Hey all,

I feel stuck and would like some outside opinions. I am a Real Estate Photographer who started my business less than 1yr ago. I’ve got some really great repeat clients but nothing crazy to go “full time”. - I don’t have the income myself to just dump into marketing/advertising.

I currently have the business set as an LLC and have been looking at going to DE- C-Corp to potentially work with investors. Someone who has the capital to lift the company off of the ground. I don’t want to partner with just anyone because they have money. It would need to be a right fit.

How do I know if I am ready to have that conversation with someone? Am I going to get laughed out of the room for not having a crazy amount in revenue

I’ve developed a website.

Working on an app people can download and order us on the go.

I’ve got a small repeat client base that I am thankful for and still working to build it bigger.

I feel like I can’t afford to take the business to the next level.

Any/all advice helps. 🙏🏼

  • traineprenuer@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    Marketing starts after your 100th customer who keeps coming back to your business. After that, although marketing will cost to some extent you can always find free and cheaper way to do it, although it will take time and effort in any case.

    If someone at any given point doesn’t laugh at first with your dreams are they even dreams?