Hey all,

I feel stuck and would like some outside opinions. I am a Real Estate Photographer who started my business less than 1yr ago. I’ve got some really great repeat clients but nothing crazy to go “full time”. - I don’t have the income myself to just dump into marketing/advertising.

I currently have the business set as an LLC and have been looking at going to DE- C-Corp to potentially work with investors. Someone who has the capital to lift the company off of the ground. I don’t want to partner with just anyone because they have money. It would need to be a right fit.

How do I know if I am ready to have that conversation with someone? Am I going to get laughed out of the room for not having a crazy amount in revenue

I’ve developed a website.

Working on an app people can download and order us on the go.

I’ve got a small repeat client base that I am thankful for and still working to build it bigger.

I feel like I can’t afford to take the business to the next level.

Any/all advice helps. 🙏🏼