If you think all great ideas are taken already.
You are just not paying attention enough.
Here’s how I got my painkiller Saas idea just by browsing online.
I found a viral post introducing people to HARO.
So did 11k other people.
But one comment underneath caught my eye.
“The only problem I find with them is that now they send me 4 emails per day every day, and I sincerely read like 1-2 per week.”
That’s a clear problem needing a solution.
So, I came up with an idea of using AI to solve this particular problem for this particular person.

I built it, validated it, launched it. Now I have 50+ signups and closing in on $100 MRR.
Don’t just scroll.
Pay attention. Listen. Keep note.
Address a pain point.
You might just find your next big idea.

  • Cyberdeth@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    He never said it was a “success”. He only said that business ideas are everywhere, you just have to look. $100 mrr for 50 customers isn’t much, I honestly don’t know the OP’s pricing strategy, but if people find it (in)valuable, they’ll justify higher prices. There’s no reason he wouldn’t be able to get $500/month if his value proposition is high enough to solve a real pain point. What the OP did, was validate that there’s a problem and provided a solution. With proper targeting/marketing/pricing, the OP should be able to get at least 1000 customers at $4.99/m or if the value proposition is high enough, even $9.99/m. That’s $10k MRR, which is nothing to scoff at.