Hi guys,
I was just wondering if you were someone who had little to no grounding in tech as a founder of a tech (mobile app) company. Would you direct your efforts into CS/learning how to program or would you develop your business acumen / softer skills, potentially considering an MBA in marketing? I have no intention of writing the program but hope to find a tech confounder who would or at least be able to liaise with a dev team.
I would find a partner with the tech background, it’s not too hard to get the basics down and I would encourage you to do that anyway, but I wouldn’t put any effort into CS or learning how to program. It’s more important to put some effort into UX strategy and marketing, and then find someone to monitor the execution.
Do you know how to find one ?
Maybe try incubators, accelerators, etc. I’ll be looking for a tech cofounder in the near future so I was thinking where do I find a like minded person with tech skills. Maybe there’s a better place to find them so let me know where you plan to find what you’re looking for