I hate doing this, as legal stuff is messy and not particularly a positive thing; however, it might be needed. I’m a solo entrepreneur, and I have a tech provider that has consistently missed on SLAs in our contract. I honestly wouldn’t be too worried if it was minor things, but it’s been tier 1-3 issues, and while I’ve been super lenient in the past, I’ve lost all faith in them as their communication and quality have basically gone to 0 and they have no plan on fixing the core issues at hand.

Does anyone know how to go about this (e.g., how to find the right lawyer, how to prep, costs, etc). or any stories worth sharing.

Much appreciated.

  • Active_Cantaloupe810@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    The problem here is cost. You’ll need to fork out for all legal costs until they agree to compensate you. A cheaper option might be stern letters, quoting contractual violations and those alone may entitle you to terminate the contract - naturally once you have an alternative tech provider ready to take over. What services do they currently provide? Is it server hosting /tech support or software?