I’m currently working for a startup that sells an integration for Shopify businesses, I can’t say what just incase it gives too much away.

I’ve made over 7,000 cold calls now and sold to about 5 people. You could believe I’m a bad seller but I’ve been doing this for years now and seen success, even been awarded. In my team of six, this trend is ever present. People just don’t seem to need our solution, it makes sense to them but there is no urgency to move forward on it. We’re running out of money fast and they’ve admitted to mishiring because of incorrect forecasts.

However, a common theme, way more than I can count is that people need to make improvements to their websites. I’ve been using Shopify for 6 years now and I also have access to the number 1 highest converting theme.

The Idea: Use my cold calling experience + Builtwith data for all shopify stores + my Shopify experience to integrate these themes into the website + Fiverr and other marketplaces for traffic

I’m planning to make 50-100 calls every weekday and build websites for people, I’m thinking to charge about £200 per person and then maybe offer a subscription service for ongoing amendments. I only need to make about £3,000 per month. I’ve met a guy on here who makes way more than this doing something similar, he just created custom HTML/CSS websites.

I truly see this as a no brainer and believe I could make this work, it won’t be easy but after a while I’d be in full flow.

Looking for any input whatsoever, pitfalls to avoid, should I take the plunge?

The way I see it, I’m already broke, I have nothing to lose…