Hello, heres the context : born in morocco and grew up in Canada. I have been thinking about problems to solve and business ideas that I could implement in morocco since I’m thinking about potentially living there and I came across a service based business model that works quite well here but is nowhere to be found in morocco. This service is operated in my province mainly by one company (haven’t found others doing the same thing) doing it on a large scale and a few other small ones. I went back to Morocco recently and talked with a lot of people and analyzed whether this business idea could work there.

Well, turns out there’s quite a big market for it and no one has taken it yet. There are businesses offering similar services but the quality is meh at best and its still not the same thing I want to do. I see 2 possible paths in front of me : present this business opportunity to the local company and associate (probably not the right word) with them to get this new market but I have literally 0 business experience (software engineer) so they’ll most likely laugh and say no. Also I don’t even know if this is something people do lol. The other possibility is doing it from scratch myself which will take quite some time since I would need to develop the software required and do everything in my spare time.

Thank you if you took the time to read everything and thank you once more if you took the time to give me some advice !