I ain’t readin allat warning

I’m trying to promote a website for study tips. I don’t want to self promote so I won’t put the name but it basically is a reddit like community where students can post, share, and upvote study tips. I’ve been trying to promote it by answering new questions with content + a link to a study tip from my website (example https://www.quora.com/How-does-one-prepare-for-an-exam-if-they-were-not-able-to-study-during-the-entire-semester-due-to-their-job/answer/Dasani-From-txpTwxz?ch=17&oid=1477743710970056&share=f2fdf3fd&srid=3uaWha&target_type=answer). I’ve been doing this for like two weeks but I haven’t seen even a single conversion. What should I do? Should I keep grinding? Should I target big-ticket questions? Idk…

Thanks in advance to everyone who answered!

  • usernames_suck_ok@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I don’t think Quora is the right place for that type of thing. The majority of Quora users seem to be of an age where they’re beyond needing to study. Hell, Reddit has more students than Quora does. You need to run ads where young people are. Duh.