I am launching an outsourcing agency with a commission-based approach, aiming to connect freelancers from my country with international clients. This cost-effective outsourcing service is designed to benefit my clients by saving them money compared to local market rates. Moreover, it provides freelancers, particularly those from my country, with access to a global client base and the opportunity to secure valuable work projects.

I’d appreciate some info about this approach and answers to the following queries:

  1. Is starting an outsourcing agency a viable business idea for connecting local freelancers with international clients?

  2. How do I determine the commission rates for the agency? Should it be a percentage of client savings or project value, or something else?

  3. What marketing strategies should be used to attract clients and freelancers to the agency?

  4. What quality control measures should be in place to ensure the work delivered by freelancers meets clients’ expectations?

  5. Should the agency mediate communication between clients and freelancers or allow them to communicate directly?

  6. What are the potential risks and challenges of allowing direct communication, and how can they be mitigated?

  7. How can I prevent clients from bypassing the agency to source freelancers directly for future work?