I 24F am starting a business in the clothing industry. I have absolutely NO support and I don’t know what I’m doing. I need help! The guy working in my website is WAITING ON ME for the photos but I keep second guessing myself because I don’t know how to do this. Because he’s waiting on me I it’s causing me anxiety galore. Ever since I’ve attempted starting my husband has been telling me not to do it and it has destroyed my self esteem Im in the need of more money and my husband has it but won’t allow me to have it. I have enough to pay the guy and start listing. But I don’t know what looks professional. I just need someone in my family to give me their time! Maybe some faith too. Does anyone have suggestions on what my next step is??

  • Biking_dude@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    For the pictures, write down why people should buy what you’re producing. High quality? Patterns? Fit? Make sure your pictures align with those values. Eg: if it’s high quality, show the stitching.

    Your business is your story. When you don’t have a firm grasp of your story, every decision is hard. When your story is solid, every decision will use your story as the way of figuring it out. Should you use this one or this one? Well, what story are you telling, and which shows it?

    Things like a website, pictures, etc… are worth about 0.05% of your energy. Get it out today, make sure you can easily change them later and add more if need be, move on to the next decision. When you get through everything, then you do another sweep and make incremental improvements, especially after getting some data. Oh look, more people are clicking on the picture of the model turned sideways then to the front? Great, let’s get more pictures from the side, upload, done.

    Also…and this is important. Have a budget and an eject point. Businesses fail, there’s no shame in that - only lessons learned to apply to the next one. But you don’t want to keep pouring money into something failing (unless money is limitless in your case). If you have a budget of…$15k, and it looks like you’ll blast through that without even launching, then stop and see if what you’re spending money on is actually mission critical or just distractions.