I 24F am starting a business in the clothing industry. I have absolutely NO support and I don’t know what I’m doing. I need help! The guy working in my website is WAITING ON ME for the photos but I keep second guessing myself because I don’t know how to do this. Because he’s waiting on me I it’s causing me anxiety galore. Ever since I’ve attempted starting my husband has been telling me not to do it and it has destroyed my self esteem Im in the need of more money and my husband has it but won’t allow me to have it. I have enough to pay the guy and start listing. But I don’t know what looks professional. I just need someone in my family to give me their time! Maybe some faith too. Does anyone have suggestions on what my next step is??

  • learningstufferrday@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I run an e-commerce business.

    Tell your website guy to use placeholder images in the meantime. Even better, if you can provide him with some sample photographs/inspiration of how you envision your website will ultimately look (or close to), do that.
    Then, focus on taking the photos. Get your inventory photos done so you can start adding them to the website when they’re done.

    Look, your brand image is going to go through several phases if you only work with a website designer. Do you have a brand designer? I think you need a professional opinion on the brand image so that they can assist you with the visual/design aspects of the brand, including how should the photos should look.

    What you need is cohesiveness, you need to have a clear vision of what you want and delegate from there. Some things can be delegated now, or in parallel with one another, or can wait for a later time. Write down what’s most important for YOU. Hopefully, once you get some order back and take control of your stress, you’ll be able to think clearly on the next step, just look for the right support you need first.

    What I’d do:

    -Look for inspiration for brand image and design all over the internet.
    -See if I can hire a brand designer and focus on the brand image. No, logos and names don’t come first. Also, ask if they do graphic design, this is important for the next step.

    -The website designer can use the brand collateral as reference for the development of the website. In parallel, take or have a pro photographer take the inventory photos and start optimizing them for the web, then hand them out to the website designer.

    -The brand collateral is also very important if you plan on creating social media content, the sooner you have it, the sooner you can begin building a niche audience and lead traffic to your shop.

    -You won’t be making money right off the bat, but you need to get the ball rolling. The sooner you have a working brand image and website, the sooner you will be able to sell and build social proof. Trust me, brands change all the time, no brand looks the same, ever. But once you have a loyal clientele, you can make little adjustments over time and keep focusing on what’s important" Your vision.

    Lastly, forget about expecting faith and help from people, there are shitty people in business and in life, stand your ground on what you believe and who you aspire to become as long as you are stern but fair with everyone, and provide good value to your customers, you will be fine. Only let those who believe in you close to you, you can let the haters hate from afar.