Hi guys,

So I got a question what is your opinion at school. Online I often see entrepreneurs bashing school saying stuff like “A students work for C students” and stories about how people are making million dollar businesses being high school or college dropouts and school sucks and it does nothing for you and yada yada. However in my real life I’ve noticed the most successful entrepreneurs tend to be people who gone to school and who give it at least some value.

Personally, I’ll admit I just love learning and I did pretty well in high school ( like top 10 percentile on SATs wel) and experimentation on concepts. I also had really good teachers to help me out who gave me a lot of wisdom, so I might be cheating a little but I never felt that school was as bad as people made it sound. I’m not saying school is perfect or doesn’t need and hell I’m uneven an entrepreneur ( yet ).

But I’m curious do you buy into the school sucks garbage or is it just an online thing only?

  • RockPast2122@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    It’s been my experience that school is great for socialization and forming lasting relationships. However, If your personal goals are geared towards financial success, school simply doesn’t teach you how to make money. School is the starting point of learning. not the end point. Too many believe it’s the end. Learning never stops. I attended a very expensive private university, and I will tell you that the best part of it was the experience of moving to another city and actually living on my own and doing the things that need to be done as an adult by myself. Also the people who you meet play a big role in that. When you’re going to school with successful people, it changes everything because you start to understand that you can be successful as well. Who you spend time with is so critical. If most of your time is spent with kids from poor families, you’re going to adopt the viewpoint of the poorer class that thinks the only way to make money is to get a job and work for someone else. They don’t see anything else as “real”. Thus they typically end up living paycheck to paycheck.

    Everything that I’m doing today to earn money I had to find out on my own and seek out people who we’re also doing it successfully through my own proactive research and sheer ambition because school just doesn’t teach it. I definitely wish I was 25 again.

    Finally, my biggest issue with school is the complete failure when it comes to financial literacy. 95% of people who graduate from college don’t even understand what a personal financial statement is or how to read it. People have no idea how credit system works. They have absolutely no idea how insurance works for creating long term wealth. Theh have no idea how to start a business and keep assets safe from personal liability. These are critical things if you want financial freedom.
    School is more of a place to go to learn how to be an employee. School punishes failure and mistakes so people end up thinking that making mistakes and failing is bad. Perfect for the obedient employee. However, truly successful people have failed many times and take failing as a learning experience, not a message that they shouldn’t be doing something which is what most believe. Just my 2 cents!

    Happy Thanksgiving!