This post welcomes and is dedicated to:

  • Your business successes
  • Small business anecdotes
  • Lessons learned
  • Unfortunate events
  • Unofficial AMAs
  • Links to outstanding educational materials (with explanations and/or an extract of the content)

In this post, share your small business experience, successes, failures, AMAs, and lessons learned. Week of December 9, 2019 /r/smallbusiness is one of a very few subs where people can ask questions about operating their small business. To let that happen the main sub is dedicated to answering questions about subscriber’s own small businesses.

Many people also want to talk about things which are not specific questions about their own business. We don’t want to disappoint those subscribers and provide this post as a place to share that content without overwhelming specific and often less popular simple questions.

This isn’t a license to spam the thread. Business promotion and free giveaways are welcome only in the Promote Your Business thread. Thinly-veiled website or video promoting posts will be removed as blogspam.

Discussion of this policy and the purpose of the sub is welcome at

  • anonymous-mominous@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    My small (so far) success story. In my ealy 20s I went to college for business management but never got to finish my degree due to financial aid issues. I’m now 40 and have been a stay at home mom for 7 years. My husband was laid off from his job earlier this year and it has been difficult finding a job making as much money as he was making.

    I somewhat jokingly and somewhat seriously suggested I should start my own business. He told me to do my market research and make a business plan to see if it would be successful. So I did.

    I presented him with my research and he said it looked pretty good. I needed about 18k in startup funding though, and we didn’t have that kind of money lying around. We paid off our home a few years ago and we didn’t want to take out a mortgage. We knew odds of getting an unsecured personal will extremely slim with no income, but we laughed and said “what is the worse thing that can happen? We get denied?” So we applied in the middle of May of this year.

    To our delight (and terror) we were approved. We took a week to REALLY think about things. We’re getting older and can’t afford to gamble as much now as we did when we were younger. But we decided to pull the trigger. Things fell into place rather quickly after we had the funds in our hands.

    We signed a 1 year lease for a small retail store front starting in July, and our landlord let us in the first week of June to start renovations. We ordered our inventory, got everything set up, and opened up shop the first week of July.

    Our grand opening weekend was a success! We were very happy, but also very cautious and realistic about the expectations of our business. In July, we made just enough income to pay our loan, rent, and other operating expenses. We weren’t making profit, but we broke even.

    Considering most businesses are in the red in their first year or two of business, we were happy with these numbers.

    It’s now almost the end of November and our small shop is still going strong. We can’t quite live off of our income yet, however we make enough to cover all of our business expenses, set aside 15% of the business income into a savings account(for tax purposes), and pay ourselves a couple hundred bucks a month.

    If our sales continue on the growth they have shown over the past 5 months. The business is on track to gross about 60k in 12 months. We will probably only net about 15k of that. But it’s a start and with the exception of the original loan, the business doesn’t carry any other debt.

    So that is my success story in progress.

  • Express-Raspberry333@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    This is ultimate sauce right here. How do you create a brand, a business, a service that allows you to market yourself online daily, while still maintaining the high level of quality for each post.
    At the end of the day, you just have to find something that you are neck deep, undyingly, obsessed with. Something that you can just wake up and start talking about.
    Something that you talk about and your friends are so sick of hearing it.
    something that you can never get sick of learning about.
    something that gives you drive.
    Something that motivates you to get up and going in the morning.
    Something that brings you joy and happiness and contentment all simultaneously. Something that want to bring to the world
    Something that you can never stop talking about
    Why is this important? Well social media is all about the numbers. The more you post content and the more you post consistently, the more you will get outreach. Plain and simple. But when you talk about something that’s important to you, well your content is already quality. You don’t have to worry about the bells and whistles. Just get the content out there. Because when someone views your video and sees how passionate you are about whatever you’re talking about, sports, relationships, dogs, etc, then they will be excited about what you talk about. That’s the type of following you want, the type where people follow you based on your passion, NOT what you say. What you say is irrelevant when people trust you.
    I’ve seen it time and time again. In good ways and bad, there were many times that people respected a leader based on their beliefs and their morals, than on who they are as a person or what they say. It’s as simple as that.
    So before locking down exactly what you want your brand to be, experiment. Talk about certain things on your channel. And then figure out if that’s actually the thing you want to do. It took my 4 years to get to this point where I want to talk social media content marketing. I was in various niches previously and just recently did i find the one thing that I feel passionate about. And that’s just how it goes. It may take time, but put yourself out there to just see what you want to do.
    And if you’re young, don’t fret you have time.
    And if you’re well seasoned, don’t fret you have time

  • Southern_Passenger_9@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Success this week was realizing that the human touch outweighs overpriced advertising. Picked up 12 warm leads in a short week through organic methods and outreach.

    Opportunity Is Missed By Most People Because It Is Dressed in Overalls and Looks Like Work - Thomas Edison

  • Express-Raspberry333@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    10X RULE
    Have you heard of the 10X rule?
    Grant Cardone designed this 10X Rule to establish the standard for business or any kind of venture in life. You need to anticipate certain parameters in your life to see the success that you desire, that you want to see. Not only does it involve assessing the level of effort necessary to realize a goal, it also includes adjusting your thinking so that you can dare to dream at leavels previously unimaginable.
    I highly recommend that you consider where you are at, and what it actually realistically, practically takes to achieve such goals. Business requires certain things to thrive and to survive. You as the owner need to understand your role. You nourish the business. You give it what it needs to stay alive. But what does your business need to stay alive? Yes that is the question. What does your business NEED? Find that answer. embrace that answer. Then start taking action.
    Your ability to discover that answer will allow you to see things from the correct perspective. What is interesting is the expectation we set when going into something versus the expectation that is set by someone who has done what have already done. Would you take advice from someone who has what you want? Would you be willing to follow the counsel and direction they give you? Would you doubt that they have what you need to be successful?
    Principally speaking, whatever you think your trajectory for your business is, 10x it. If you want to help 10 clients, shoot for 100. because now, you will inherently accomplish that 10 regardless. And there’s no doubt about it if you shoot high enough. One of the biggest reasons that most businesses don’t thrive is because the owner doesn’t imagine big enough for him/herself as the owner, the one providin the nourishment.
    Now am i saying that you need to sleep 1 hour every night and work every other hour of the day? absolutely not. what i AM saying is that if you want your business to be successful and if you want to be successful, you gotta see through the lens of success, not what you want to see necessarily.
    Now head to your drawing board, and go crush the game.

  • Express-Raspberry333@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Every business owner, influencer, entrepreneur I’ve learned about has always gone through the various phases of doubt.
    “I’m not good enough”
    “I Don’t know enough”
    “ I’m not as good as Mr/Mrs So-And-So”
    “I’ll never get to that point in my life”
    Myself included.
    And that’s natural. Our minds don’t think the best things all the time 24/7. If only, right? But what we can do is convince our minds that we are enough, that we are capable, that we do have the ability and the confidence to crush the game.
    Many will conclude that their success is based off of the results that they get. But that is not completely true. True success doesn’t stem from the ability to have a lot money, a lot of followers, a huge company. True success is just failing less often. Maybe one day, you’ll fail so less that you’ll actually be good at it. However, your persistence, your endurance, your ability to say to yourself “well im not getting the results i want, but i want it so bad that im gonna keep doing it regardless of what people say to me” will allow you to achieve something way beyond anything you can create in this world.
    Your self worth and your self confidence is what drives the brand. When you can take what you have and work with it and make the best of the situation, then you put yourself at an advantage versus everyone else. Poeple like to think that they need the best equipment, they need the best people, they need the best training. Hehe funny story, you don’t necessarily need those things… I guarantee there are services out there that allow you to do the things you want to do… for example, want to market? Well you have social media that allows you to do that for the fair price of $0. Wil you have to put in the work? You betcha. Wiil it be worth it in the end? Even more so.
    So pick and choose your battles. Are you willing to struggle even though the payoff will be worth it?
    Find that energy within you that pushes you to endure. Everyone has it in them. You might need someone else to reveal it for you. But i know for a fact that you do have it, and it’s waiting to be unleashed.
    So go out there and find it. And crush the game 🤙🏽

  • moremora57@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Hi everyone, I’m 14 years old and I have a constant obsession with…

    Hi everyone, I’m 14 and I’m constantly obsessed on money, I see people around the internet even of my age who have started businesses like resell/dropshipping/eCOMMERCE/trading and who make a lot of money but you can’t even ask them a curiosity that they’re starting to try to sell you their course, can anyone here recommend something to start making some money? (as a minor)

  • 1chbinamin@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I’ve just developed a website for a construction company. You can find all the necessary information, such as about us, completed projects, experience, and more. Users also have the opportunity to request quotes for services like renovation and window installations by filling out forms on the website. Additionally, there is a contact form for other questions and comments.

    Just a small success story as a web designer, in case anyone is interested in more information, check out the description of the project.