Although I have accomplished quite a bit in my short lifetime, I’m going through a stage where I feel like a loser.

I’ve been slacking off and honestly kind of board with my business. It’s at the point where I can get by without doing much work.

Everytime I come back to my hometown my family just doesn’t get it. They don’t understand my entrepreneurial mindset.

I’m 21 years old and I’ve built an online fitness coaching business.

I’ve generated multiple six figures over the last 2-3 years.

I decided I was finished with college after my freshman year and wanted to pursue my business all the way.

I moved to San Diego and I’ve been there for about two years.

Although most people would say you’re doing amazing and killing it.

I know I could be doing better.

I want a bigger opportunity, I want to work harder, and develop a vision so huge it scares me.

I feel like my next evolution is coming up but right now I’m in the growing pains where I feel a little lost and unsure of what’s next.

I have a few ideas and I’m testing out the market for them but it’s an uncomfortable period.

I feel like I’m just coasting and not growing. It’s not a fun place to be.

Any advice?

  • droppingscience311@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    First of all, congrats on building a successful business! There are some whom due to outside factors and other issues, never ever get it, so way to go!

    Second, even though there is a clock on our lives from birth, it’s ok to allow for time to ponder and gain perspective. You are very young and fortunately you have time on your side, which won’t always be the case.

    Remember, not all growth is linear nor measured by constant income increases (despite how it appears). You can be growing in ways that will be utilized and come into play without you being aware of them, and only after living through them and in hindsight will they be realized.

    You’ve mentioned you’re trying different things, sounds like you’re still applying yourself. You’re growing, be cognizant and stay vigilant. Your family (if not entrepreneurial) might not ever understand.

    Stay up.