I have a SaaS, just launched an mvp for some verticals last month. I have CAC that’s way too high but still iterating. The company vision is unique, open Ai has the mission of bettering humanity but it’s vague, they have a huge investment in Ai safety for AGI but no vision similar to ours. I was at Microsoft 17 years ago and came up with the vision meditating in a Buddhist monastery, I wrote all the execs but they all blew me off.

Well I know if executed right my company could be worth 1-10 billion and help every man woman and child on earth. I’m pre-revenue, still getting PMF for the verticals, we really need to find angels who believe in this to enable us to go to the next level. Clock is ticking.

My question is how to get angel investors pre-revenue, I’m on angel list, are there other good hubs? What would you do if you were in my shoes?

No one on angel list has contacted me yet. I wonder if it’s my pitch deck or if that’s normal.