I want to start a business but I am nervous about the current state of the economy in the US. I know that there are often opportunities in every type of economy and certain types of companies can still flourish, but if the risk for failure is much higher then I’d rather wait.
I am unsure what to do because I don’t want my fears to rule my decision making here. Is this a bad time to start a business in the US?
I would say that people complain about the economy and prove themselves right by driving business away all the time. It can be a mindset. I hear from people who are negative and cite a bunch of examples, or pick up tidbits on the news, sometimes from biased sources. Meanwhile, we’re busy, sales YTD similar to last year. Yes, some businesses are more resilient and some more sensitive to the economy ups and downs, but be smart with investing and inventory but don’t buy into the doomand gloom of others who basically are excusing their poor biz practices and resulting sales. Overall I honestly think the economy is strong right now.
Right. I don’t go to businesses that complain openly about the economy or politics specifically. I don’t support the woe is me attitude with business.
Exactly… a great example is these fools putting a sign on the door saying “nobody wants to work”… no, nobody wants to work FOR YOU and it’s obvious why