Imagine having a Ai FinancialAdvisor + Chartered Accountant in your pocket 24x7.
Who analyses your income, loans, dreams & offers financial advice + tax-saving ideas based on official rules, and even submits your returns via the income tax website API.
I want to make the same as you but to execute Office tasks instead of you.
Didn’t Mint just go under with a glub trying to do that? This has huge security and liability implications. If you are serious then you need to find some way to narrow this down to the point you have a subset to start with.
Income tax preparation alone is a battlefield. Maybe save that until you have the advice part working for some identified demographic.
You create a web app that sends the data and prompts to OpenAI API, also integrate any other APIs you want.
I think this is a great venture! Although I do worry about the defensibility given how many competitors also see this opportunity with AI . Would you mind chatting more about what LLM you plan to use and how you plan to gain traction?
I am a growth advisor for an AI shop called scLean Labs ( We advise and help startups with AI and product development. Happy to discuss more if you are open to it! Please email- or schedule a time here to chat-