I have a good salary at a failing start up, and I can’t seem to find any jobs that provide a similar salary. I love my current job, but I’m worried that the company will not be able to secure enough funding to last us 6 more months.

Should I take a pay cut (150k --> 100k) to work at a different company? Or should I wait it out for another few months at my current company?

For context, I support my SO in a HCOL area and we don’t have much savings. Trying to build that up right now…

Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you!

  • runbrownmanrun@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I was in pretty much exactly the same position - startup, $165K comp (and higher title than I could’ve hoped for so early in my career), and seeing the startup have trouble fundraising.

    I got laid off all of a sudden. Luckily my wife and I weren’t hurting for money, but I think it would’ve been better if i started looking earlier just in case