I have a good salary at a failing start up, and I can’t seem to find any jobs that provide a similar salary. I love my current job, but I’m worried that the company will not be able to secure enough funding to last us 6 more months.

Should I take a pay cut (150k --> 100k) to work at a different company? Or should I wait it out for another few months at my current company?

For context, I support my SO in a HCOL area and we don’t have much savings. Trying to build that up right now…

Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you!

  • maxinstuff@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    This is known as “golden handcuffs”.

    You are likely overpaid, because the company NEEDS to overpay to get and keep people like you in their current state.

    I companies like this often had an initial growth phase followed by prolonged stagnation. The shine comes off the business eventually and it becomes very difficult to build any momentum without drastic changes.

    If/when those drastic changes actually happen, they probably don’t include you.

    Either be the change (if that’s within your power), or leave. IMO

    • adrenocorticotropine@alien.topOPB
      10 months ago

      You’re absolutely correct. I have golden handcuffs. Just need to figure out the next steps. Sad to take a pay cut. Want to give my SO a good, steady life, and good opportunities in his artistic endeavors.