This is going to a little bit of request for help and advice to find some guidance and solid ground. I am a first generation American. Parents grew up with minimal education and came to the states to build their business. Through many hardships they got to where they are today but are slowly struggling. They built a small construction company, In which I have worked in and have helped as much as I could and still do. I went to school for a construction management/architectural engineering background. Fortunately I was able to graduate with decent grades and 0 debt. However, because their business is getting tougher and harder to sustain I went down the route of working at a medium sized firm to get some experience and build my resume and reach a higher salary to the point I can help them…however I’ve always been about investing and building wealth and also doing my best to help my parents now and in the future so that they don’t have to struggle. I’m torn between having to climb the corporate ladder vs working as much as possible so that I have just enough to start investing on my own. However neither path seems ideal and both paths seem as if are a far reach for me . I’ve read a couple books , some ranging from the “Chris Ramsey “ mentality of living cheap and saving as much as possible to invest and the “Robert kiyosaki” to save little and invest everything. I’m good with money and doing my best to build credit and save money along mutual funds. Still trying to figure out stocks . I’ve Been loooking at going into real estate and start getting positive Cash flow, but this housing market makes it impossible. Will I always be stuck in this loop? I feel like anything in my industry requires experience/ or money to start anything or even invest into anything. Do I continue to just get experience in my career and wait till I meet enough peope to make the jump? Or do I just start now …but doing what ? Btw I’m 23 M. Thanks.even hearing your experience and how you started might help me see what track I’m on ?