So why this guy contact me about fixing something of his. I gave him a price of how much it was going to be. And then he wanted a breakdown parts versus labor. I don’t like doing that because I know the customer is going to nickel and dime me. Sure enough he goes online and says why are you charging me x amount for this part. It only cost $30 on Amazon.

I explain why my parts cost more etc. And I don’t hear from him again. He sends me a text today asking when is the earliest I can do the job. I don’t want to do the work, I know this guy is going to be a pain in the ass. What are business appropriate reasons/ excuses I can give as to why I don’t want the business.

  • mugofwine@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Imagine going to a restaurant and asking for a breakdown of ingredients and labor before you buy? It sounds like he wants it done soonest, so maybe just tell him, “we’ve taken on a big job and can’t take on new work right now.” Oh, and add a line in your estimate something like: Our business model does not offer a breakdown of fees as we offer an overall value to our clients… or something like that.