Give up. In six months you could have started your business gotten your first client and developed your business.
You still don’t even have a business idea? Give up, it’s not for you, maybe in the future you will have the experience nececssary and you can try again.
This comment shouldn’t be down here. I come up with ideas all the time without trying. The hard part for me is deciding what things to give my time and energy to. I can’t imagine trying to come up with something, anything for 6 months. Don’t languish another 6 months of your life.
Give up. In six months you could have started your business gotten your first client and developed your business.
You still don’t even have a business idea? Give up, it’s not for you, maybe in the future you will have the experience nececssary and you can try again.
This comment shouldn’t be down here. I come up with ideas all the time without trying. The hard part for me is deciding what things to give my time and energy to. I can’t imagine trying to come up with something, anything for 6 months. Don’t languish another 6 months of your life.