I have a issue

If anybody can shed any kind of light on this with solutions I’d be grateful.

So my dad co owns a shop that specializes in quite a niche for where we are based ( no other competitors around )

He sell high quality detailing products for cars, lots of different brands, we are the only place over here that has contracts with the suppliers meaning they won’t ship their products to any other retailer here.

Now here comes the issue, the place was doing great, now inflation comes along and the rent has gone from £1000 a month for the shop to £2500, plus the heating, electricity, water, computers, phone lines blah blah.

This could be done I imagine all online rather than a walk in shop, meaning build a small website, and do all the advertising via Facebook which he has a 10k following.

He could offer same day delivery, the island is only 30 miles long and 14 miles wide. Plus it’s only him and one other person that works there.

So as you can imagine he’s a bit down in the dumps, the shop can pull anywhere from £300 - £3000 a day depending on the day. But obviously paying an accountant, the rent and all the over heads it’s eating quite alot into the profit, so much so that the creditors for the previous month aren’t paid as the shop hasn’t been busy and only pulling in around 700 a day.

He’s old school (65) so I’ve tried to explaining people are lazy and it would make sense to just be online and I’d help, thing is I’m not too clued up either, I’m a bricklayer but I’m willing to help. He won’t stop working because he’s Irish and Irish work till they die.

Any help or any good advise would be appreciated. Cheers guys. Any questions just ask

  • silisolutionist@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Changing times call for changing strategy.

    Build an online e-commerce store, fully automated, so as to make the transition as easy for him as possible and so that he doesn’t need to fiddle much with technology.

    Then find somewhere else to store the products seeing as he’s not getting enough foot traffic to justify the overheads of a brick and mortar store.