Consuming a lot podcasts, articles and books I came to the conclusion that two important parts of the entrepreneurial come up always get hidden in a rather reduced side note:

  1. _“After my first attempt I took a break of entrepreneurship for about a year and…“

What always comes too short: how could you afford every day life? Did you really explore multiple business opportunities after working your 9-5 job? All while having a family? How were you able to pull that off? How could you find focus? One does not simply live a regular life and be that focused on a startup in between, change my mind!

  1. _“We then raised some capital and…“

What always comes too short: how? I view raising capital as one of the biggest hurdles along the early way. Did you simply google angel investors and wrote them an email? Have you had a background in a field where you could build relationships with potential investors before your entrepreneurial journey started? Have you been wealthy already? Didn’t you worry very much if you’ll ever find an investor? One does not simply raise millions for his startup, change my mind!

These two parts always remind me of the „draw a circle, now draw the rest of the fucking owl“-meme.

Please share how you did it or how you are doing it. I think many of us could use some real life insights! Thanks!