See a lot of home run threads and getting started/new idea threads, but I’m wondering how many entrepreneurs have “sort of” made it here?

I’ve been building a small business marketing agency for around a decade. We’ll prob do around 600k this year but no real profit (long story, working on it). I get paid 6-7k as a salary kind of like a normal job I guess.

Started doing some additional consulting work last year to make more money while we restructure the agency business model and now make about 6-7k/mo there as well.

I’m healthy, good marriage, generally doing well. But work is a lot, battling burnout, have a few regrets, etc. Not perfect but not terrible either.

Anyone else feel like their business aspirations have led to a life that kind of plays out more like you have a normal job give or take, vs the big fail / multimillion dollar exit dichotomy that is usually presented?

  • sam21331@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Success isn’t always a binary equation. 🌟

    Your journey resonates with many of us. I am working as the fractional CTO, the quiet achiever, the one who’ve built bridges between dreams and reality. My balance sheets might not scream “millionaire,” but my life tells a different story.

    600k revenue? That’s a symphony of hard work, resilience, and midnight coffee. Your 6-7k salary? It’s the steady beat of consistency.

    Burnout? Regrets? They’re the shadows we dance with, the price of ambition. But look around: health, a good marriage, and not terrible—that’s a melody worth celebrating.

    So, fellow kinda successful entrepreneurs, let’s raise our virtual glasses. 🥂 Here’s to the quiet victories, the fractions that make us whole. 🚀