We’ve been working on this idea for around 10 months, Fiyope, bootstrapped. It allows anyone with knowledge or skills to create step-by-step guides, whether they’re a seasoned pro or a passionate enthusiast. People can join these guides and track their own progress as well as that of others. It’s a platform for tracking the progress of your followers and those you follow.

The problem we face is essentially a chicken-and-egg situation. Without content, the platform is useless, leading to a lack of users. Conversely, without users, creators are not interested. We have not managed to attract any users yet. Since it’s bootstrapped, we don’t have the funds for content creation and marketing.

You might ask why we tried to bootstrap an idea like this. It seemed fun and potentially beneficial to society. We believed people would need a product like this in their lives.

So now, we’re at a crossroads, debating whether to continue or abandon the project. What would you do in this situation?