Hey guys, title says it all. Been reading A LOT of these posts and I’d be interested to see what kind of cash people are taking home. Do you guys have lambo money yet?
Hey guys, title says it all. Been reading A LOT of these posts and I’d be interested to see what kind of cash people are taking home. Do you guys have lambo money yet?
I’ve been doing my business for 3 years. And I haven’t made a yearly profit yet sadly. The first two years I screwed up badly with marketing and just spewing money. I financed my business with my day job wage which is minimum wage so every £ counts. This year I’m up 80% from last I’m so so happy! Still not made a profit yet but I’m sure I’ll get there. Trial and error and a whole host of failures, but that’s business! My business is still new and I don’t get a whole ton of orders in a month but its been growing this year a lot!