Building a social discovery platform but for it to be anyway useful , we will need volume of folks to be on the platform trying to interact at one time. It might be easy problem to solve for companies like fb,reddit, Insta etc but how should a startup solve it?
Start with a self-fullfilling standalone product.
A product that require everyone to be onboard before delivering value is bound to fail. Even facebook isn’t managing to get everyone onboard.
Rather than “Do X will all your friends”, find a way to deliver something quite similar to X but without requiring friends to join the app.
For an event app, scrape all public events you can find, add them to map. Show how many people are going etc…
You can start by building the best “Event Agenda” --> once you reach a critical mass you can only then become a “Social Event Platform”
Trying to shortcut to success isn’t going to workout. It’s like asking
“How do I start a Real estate building company that owns 20 appartments ?”
Answer: you can’t, you need to start smaller and when you start it’ll won’t be the same thing or structure as the bigger thing.
The smaller thing isn’t the bigger thing but smaller, it’s a different thing.