I just finished my website, a service that is one of very few in my market in my country.

It’s a platform for businesses with needs and businesses who wants to offer their services, a place where supply and demand can find each other more effectively. It’s somewhat like Upwork but in a different form in a different market.

And I now need to market it and scale it, because the power comes in numbers of users. Even though marketing is not entirely new to me, it’s really hard when actually sitting down and figuring out how to do it.

Is there anyone who can offer any tips in how I can develop a marketing strategy? Or if you went through something similar.

  • 0broooooo@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    You should be familiar with Fiverr, and their strategy. Essentially they advertise products sold by profiles on their website. You want to advertise on behalf of either the business looking for a service, or for a freelancer looking for work. I would choose the business who needs a service.

    HERE is what you do: Cold email a bunch of businesses, quickly tell them about your product, and give them this offer:

    “We will pay to advertise on your behalf, to help you find a contractor/freelancer who will _______. You just have to commit to your budget in advance we will credit you on the website. Then use our platform to hire a freelancer/Contractor”

    They would give you their budget of 10k or whatever. You use advertise “Free lancer wanted on ______ project, signup before deadline!” AT THE SAME TIME you will run ads saying: “(Niche of BUsiness) uses our platform to find (Contract type) for their product” EX: “Restaurants use our platform to find Graphic Designers for their Menu’s”

    The Graphic designers will create an account to be eligiable for the Jobs you’ve found through cold email. Which will be your starting point for other businesses to access a pool of Graphic Designers.

    Once the projects are complete, you get testimonials and you use that to market. Make sure that the first few jobs completed are done by freelancers who have signed up and have been vetted by you.

    You can also partner with established freelancers to create your starting pool of freelancers. Then advertise to businesses that they are available. You won’t need a huge amount of free lancers. Free lancers and contractors don’t like over saturated markets. So your ratio between jobs and people looking for work should be 40% contractors : 60% businesses looking to hire.